It is February now!

Promised to review Burns Night – culturally it was a roaring success.  Organisationally is was a near disaster. Almost everyone of the audience arrived almost half an hour late so we couldn’t start until they were seated.   I did not have nearly enough people from the Friends Committee to help  out.  Can’t possibly do anything like this… Continue reading It is February now!

A Bad Day

It was Judith’s funeral this morning and though, as many remarked, no matter how long we’ve known this would happen, it is still a horrible shock when it does.  Felt a lot better because Jason came too. As expected, there was a very big crowd, for after all, John and Judith were great people for… Continue reading A Bad Day

My birthday

Nothing if not original, spent today, my 00th birthday in Westminster Cathedral. It was the annual London Mayors’ service, and was as usual very very impessive – just the building – erected in 1269 – the interior, the stall, the choir and then all the mayors in their robes processing behind their bearers with their Maces. It… Continue reading My birthday

Categorised as Diary

Sunday blues

Terrible week – and I just hate it when people just witter(!) on about their pathetic little problems.   Roll on Monday. This week has presented me with the two payments I absolutely loathe -congestion charge and library fines -stupidly slid into the western sone congetion cahrge aea while try  to avoid traaffic snharl up -0… Continue reading Sunday blues

Categorised as Diary


 Hello, everyone!! I’ve been around but obviously not very communicative. This is because I haven’t really been doing anything interesting UP TO NOW! However, all this will change in the very near future as I report on my various activities -there is my chairmanship of the Friends of Burgh House – but more of that… Continue reading BLOG NO. 2.

Categorised as News