A Bad Day

It was Judith’s funeral this morning and though, as many remarked, no matter how long we’ve known this would happen, it is still a horrible shock when it does.  Felt a lot better because Jason came too.

As expected, there was a very big crowd, for after all, John and Judith were great people for entertaining and the service taken by Rabbi Helen was very warm and thoughtful. The  poem read by granddaghter Sarah and speech made by son Richard were wonderful.

Barely had time to grabsomething ot eat before rushing off to the Museum to meet Kate and Alan Selwyn to iscuss final arrangements for the Burns night supper.  I sound as if it is going to be great.

Then home again for a couple of hours before walking round to Jill’s house for the prayers.

Thank God she is now at peace after her long fight with that awful disease.

To bed and recover for tomorrow is another day and I am really thankful that I have this level of health and strength at my —–!